Sunday, March 14, 2010

Passion Party & Racism All in the Same Weekend!

Hubby’s doing drill this weekend so I had to play single mom for the last two days. Yesterday we went to Yauco (my parent’s town) and my father babysat for me while mom and I went to my cousin’s for a Passion Party!! This is the second time I go to one of these parties. The first time was at a friend’s and all my ESL students went too so we had a blast. I talked to my cousin and the consultant and that’s how this last party happened. I ordered few things and I must say it is SO fun for couples to share these things together. If you have not gone to this kind of party before you should. It is not like you learn secret things or anything, but you have fun exploring the possibilities and in my case learning that although being spontaneous is good, planning ahead can also be FUN!

Today I’ve been in my house chilling but since my kiddos were bored I decided to go to the park and take the dogs with us. The park is around the block so it’s not a huge walk after all. We had fun until…a Caucasian family arrived in the park and decided to make their children go to the opposite playground my children were playing on. This happened four or five times ‘til I decided they were been obvious and didn’t care. Their children wanted to play with mine but they didn’t let them and mind you, everybody talks about how well behaved my kids are so it’s not like they are brats. My daughter was even elected student of the week this past week and my son is in his school's honor roll. They are not delincuents of anything :)

Long ago this kind of situation would have sent me in a frenzy and I would have said a couple of things to them but as I have grown and matured I have changed some of my ways. I wasn't aware of racism until the Army sent us to this Army unfriendly town where everyone knew each other and Latin or Hispanic people were considered a cancer. We had to move out of there under hardship orders after the Army decided (after a bunch of incidents) that our lifes were in danger. This time I decided to ignore this family and explain my children that some people didn’t like to be associated with other races because they were afraid others could expose their limitations (i.e. language) to the public. I also told them that they should not get mad and much less sad because God is always watching and He knew if racism was really in their hearts, and what to do in such case. I said we can’t judge them because I would be doing the same thing they were doing and so on… The thing is, I feel so much better now!

I think about this in this way; if they feel superior they are not, so that’s enough punishment. If they are afraid of us for being multilingual, then that’s enough punishment. If they feel we are unfairly taking their jobs, they are wrong because we are American born citizens and they are right, we are taking their jobs because we have a better education and to top it all we speak three languages, so that’s enough punishment. If they believe their children are better, they are wrong because mine are (sarcasm), so that’s enough punishment. If they don’t mind showing off their racism, they will live a very hard life in a diverse country like U.S., so that’s enough punishment. If they teach their children to be racist, they are limiting their own children, so that’s enough punishment. If they really feel in their hearts they way some Caucasian minorities tell them to act, they are slaves of their own beliefs and will rotten in Hell so, that’s enough punishment.

There’s nothing I can do to change their minds or hearts but to keep annoying them by living my happy life and being the best I can be. The U.S. Military Forces are very diverse and they looked like a really young family so there, they signed up for this. Either time or experience will help them mature and maybe someday they’ll look back on this Sunday evening and will realize how wrong they were and how mean they must have been to mess with children and to corrupt their own children’s hearts. Karma is a b!tch and her daughter looked like she liked my son so they better be careful and keep their children away from the World because they might end up cradling brown babies! LMAO

And last but no least; my beautiful Caucasian friend, Sarah, needs prayers and all the help she can get. Her daughter, Faith, has been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor and she's only 6 years old. You can read more about her at and

Also if you are a Military Wife I found this lady on facebook, Ashley Inglet from Ashley's SemperFi Creations ,that makes customized wreaths and other items for military families. You may want to take a look.


New Girl on Post said...

How awful that those parents were like that. I don't understand the reasoning behind that and assume it's fear. Obviously they missed out on meeting a great family.

Erin said...

So sad that people still act like that. It's 2010 for goodness sake!