Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Little Girl Fighting Cancer

My friend's 6 year old daughter has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Please say a prayer for her and her family. This links you to her site in which you can read more about her and follow her story. All donations made on Faith's name in this site will be received by the organization and not Faith's family so ...if you want to make a donation directly to them pls contact her Sarah's Facebook acct, so you can ask her where to send it. In moments like this, hospital bills, and everyday expenses can be hard to afford.

I believe in miracles and I know the power of a prayer is unmeasurable, please pray that part of God's plan for Faith is to respond to her treatment and continue her life with the people that love her most. Also pray that her family have the strength necessary to see her go through all this treatments and to support her every step of the way.

Please spread the word, re-post this on your page, she needs all the prayers, good vibes, and get well soon wishes she can get.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Birthdays and the Army don't go together...

I have neglected the blog but it’s not like I have a ton of followers or anything :-P So here I go…

My cockatiel laid an egg. It is the first time she lays an egg so we are happy although I’m pretty sure it is not fertilized. She doesn’t have toes (we rescued her that way) and can’t keep her grip when he tries to mount her so….let’s see what happens.

I submitted two whole modules and got 3 As in the first one but I’m still waiting for the second one. It was nice because I got A in epidemiology which is mostly statistics and I’m really bad at math and hubby wasn’t here this weekend to help me. I guess that proves I’m good at math when I have to.

This weekend my dh had drill (he’s an AGR) so although it was our daughter’s bday weekend he wasn’t here to celebrate. My car is broken so I had no car to go buy a cake and even if I had my id expired a week ago and I have to limit where I go on the post. On the good side, my lil sis comes tonight from Florida and my parents will come over tomorrow morning. They don’t know she’s coming so it will be a surprise! Hubby will be here then and we’ll have cake to celebrate Anita’s 10th birthday.

Dh is not home yet though, and it seems he might take forever to get here since one soldier from another unit stole or lost his riffle and now nobody can leave the base he’s on until it appears. He is happy that wasn’t his soldier because he’s the one in charge of the arms room in his unit. That was close!

Now I’m watching Teen Mom and wondering what those girls have in their brains?! I’ve known many teen moms that mature once the baby is born because either they don’t have a choice or they love their children so much. Anyways…the show keeps me entertained and it teaches my preteens how hard life is with a baby and all the problems a relationship brings at such age.

I think that’s all for now…oh yeah this picture is of a dragon that in my kitchen the day dh left for his drill. The kids and I had to kill it because otherwise it would have taken over the house. Why does everything happen when they are not around?

Also I'd like that whoever reads this prays for my friend's six year old daughter. They just found out she has an aggresive form of brain cancer. She needs all the prayers and good vibes we can send her way. I met her two years ago on the internet and she came all the way from Ohio to Puerto Rico to meet me in person, we had a lot of fun and a good friendship was born. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Introductory Blog

I started blogging here a couple of weeks ago but two days ago I was told by Army Wife Julie on twitter how to link this blog to twitter so I can get followers. The first step is to blog about myself so here I go:

I was born in Puerto Rico 33 years ago. My father's family came from Lombardia and my mother's family from Corsica. I speak Spanish and English and know a bit of Italian but am not fluent though. I went to nursing school but I hate hospitals and yes, that doesn't make any sense...soooo now I'm back in college so I can teach Health or work with the federal government (I hope) in research. I love my field is just that hospitals make me feel like a prisoner.

I've been married to the love of my life since 1997, he's a physicist and also a soldier (soon to be an officer, GOD willing). He's been in the Army for 12 years and counting. We have two children, boy and girl, ages 12 and 9 (soon to be 10), two dogs (toy poodle and chihuahua), and four rescued cockatiels. We are stationed overseas but soon will be PCSing to wherever the Army sends us, which is great because I like adventures!

I love reading, read twilight (the whole four books) in a week so I'm a fast reader but for some reason I've been stuck on chapter 4 of "The Lost Symbol" since last month. Probably the Mason thing didn't impress me much. In my free time I like to play with my birdies and spoil my doggies, TV is a luxury for me these days but when I do have time I like to watch TLC, SiFi, Lifetime, Animal Planet, and of course CNN. I spend a big part of my day on the computer doing homeworks and taking classes and when I'm not around is because I'm catching up on the house chores or above all, spending time with my beloved children.

I love politics but don't talk much about that topic with any of my friends. It is interesting because living in a US territory, politics take a whole new meaning because what happens here and what happens in the Mainland are two different things and yet they are interwinded.

Most of my live I thought I was a snobby person but thanks to facebook, twitter, and the fact that I can now take a peak at ex-classmates's lifes finally know that what I thought was snobbyness was just normal and plain pride....there're some real cases of snobbyness out there and I'm NOT one of them thank GOD! lol

I'm a Christian but don't go to Church, I have many excuses and know none of them is really good enough so I won't go there. I also have a tendency to make promises to God, small sacrificies. Like for example, I can't update my facebook status until my husband receives his Direct Commission, I can't dye my hair nor wear jewelry other than my wedding band and dogtags until September. It may seem stupid but God and I understand :-) it is after all, a thing between Him and I.

I also am a volunteer at the military post we live in, I teach ESL to adults and in exchange I earn lab. hours for my practice as a teacher-student. On facebook I'm one of the moderators of an US Military Wife  group for hispanic wives. I usually translate information or let them know about how things work in the military. I'm now personally concerned about Military Etiquette and Protocol. I think it's fun to learn where all the rules came from and what they mean, besides, you never know when you'll need them!

Well....I think that's all. This is me in a nutshell! There's more I'm sure but it's Monday and my brain is still in low motion :-P

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hating Officer's Wives

I have come across many blogs from Army Wives stating that they hate Officer's Wives. The last time I came across an officer wife here on internet she told me how her LV purses were real and not copies (weird 'cause we've never hang out so she's not aware of my aversion for purses in general) that my husband has decided to become a Commissioned Officer (we are waiting for the board's final decision) I've been thinking on what I DON'T want to become. Don't misinterpret me, we do want this commission because aside all the honor and Army tradition that it represents it also represents a better quality of life for our children but we are not all about the money.

I'm very proud of my husband NOT because of a commission but because he's an NCO and will be (God willing) a Mustang (a commissioned officer who served as an NCO before commissioning). It might sound snobby I reckon, but by saying this I mean, that I'm proud of my husband because of all the things we've been through together. Everybody wants to do better and bigger at what they do but just because you set a certain set of goals for your future it doesn't mean other people's set of goals is wrong. I know someone who became a doctor and now updates his facebook status to state how important he is and so on....we know better.

We have God in our lifes, we don't only count our blessings but also make our blessings count. As hubby always says, he who's lower ranking today could be a superior tomorrow and vice-versa. I've never wore my husband's ranks and won't start now...I believe that the women who do this lack self esteem and confidence. I have accomplished part of what I wanted for myself and have set a new set of goals for my near future and I think that's what I am. I'm a daughter, an Army wife, a mother, a full time student, a friend...but among all I'm one of God's children and would never forget to treat others with dignity and respect because that's what my parents taught me.

Whenever an officer's wife asks me if I know who she is, I reply "why? You can't remember?" I carry the title of Army wife with pride because only the women that share this kind of life with me know what it means. But my accomplishments are only mine and so are my husbands. I know not all officer's wives are snobby and wear their husband's ranks, but the few that do don't do it because they are officer's wives, they do it because they are broken inside.

I know this sweet, beautiful lady who's a major's wife. You'd say she's snobby by the things she says and the way she talks....but if you care to look deeper you'll see a woman who's heart is aching for her husband's love. Since she doesn't have it anymore all that is left for her to do is to talk about how it used to be and how good the other parts of her life are. You see, the more a person brags, the more they try to convince themselves that what they say is true.
